Please see attached screen shot. The empty bar indicated by the arrow has no numeral 1 above it; the others on the page do. For the life of me I can’t figure out why! I know I can turn the numerals off completely, but I want to do the opposite—add the numeral to the bar where it’s missing. Can anyone help? Thanks!
The hairpin across the rest is preventing the 1
from displaying. I don’t know whether this was an intentional choice or a bug.
One option would be to make this 2 separate hairpins, and in Engrave mode adjust the end of the first one and the beginning of the second.
Interesting—thanks! I definitely wondered whether a hairpin across an empty bar makes sense. I’ve never seen a split hair pin on the same staff like you have it—is that done? Gonna see if I have the same issue with a “cresc.” indication (probably will if I have an extension line).