Open/Closed Inserts Channel [SHIFT+Alt+mouse click on (e)] (When Key Command?)

As for the visualization of the inserts opened on a channel, I use the key combination

SHIFT + Alt + mouse click on (e) to open the display of all the inserts loaded on the channel

and the combination SHIFT + mouse click on (and) to close the display of all the inserts loaded on the channel

Is it possible to create a more direct and simple key shortcut to do this, without necessarily having to use the mouse click on (e)?

Anyone know how to tag a Steinberg developer for this thread? I didn’t understand how to do it. Thanks

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Add the feature-request tag, please.

unfortunately I can’t figure out how to tag the request, I also answered in another thread about this tag operation

Has this problem been finally solved with the cubase 12 version? thanks