Open Plugin GUI follows selected track insert slot

More than once … have I started to mess around with the setting of a plugin only to realize I’m in the right plugin but … on the wrong track. Sometimes it’s immediately obvious and sometimes I ruin a setting! Today I woke up on the right side it seems and I caught the mistake in flagrante delicto but before anything happened. Then I realized the channel strip follow the selected track.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have some favorite plugin like an amp sim always loaded into insert slot 3 and when you jump from track to track you always have the right GUI up on screen. Or you could have a button in the insert slot to lock the slot so this requested feature only happens when it’s locked.

Sometimes there is a lot meaning A LOT of swapping Amplitube GUIs back and forth when fine tuning stuff. Yes, I have room on my screen for more than one, but then it’s getting croweded and then I need to move parts in the Project and I have to close stuff and … well, you’ve all been there and done that, right? :crazy_face: :grin:

Having Cubase keeping track of that dirty work would be a relief, wouldn’t it?

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Yes, nice idea. I‘m out of votes, but would vote for this feature.

But I don’t think it’s realistic to always have the same plugin in the same slot number.

I’ve suggested another solution here.

If Steinberg implements the tabbed plugin windows FR (which they should, as it’s a massive click reducer), Cubase should be able to check if the same plugin as in the currently opened tab also exists in one of the tabs for the next track - then that specific tab/plugin should be opened also for that next track (assuming the option “follow track selection” is active, which should be an option directly on the tabbed window).

Yeah, whatever makes the click count go down! No matter how it’s about time, right? :grin: