I’m noticing something that appears odd, want to know if it’s expected behavior. When option-clicking a lyric from one staff to another, the lyric itself appears to switch voice, according to voice color display -
How many voices are there on each of those staves?
In the file, appears to be one. When option-clicking from one staff to another, it appears to create another voice for the lyric -but there’s no other entries in the new voice, and the switch voice command doesn’t operate… and there’s no second voice preceding it in the file. I could attach the file if you like
In the second staff, select all, filter the lyrics, alt-click>voices>Change to upstem voice 1 (so that it’s blue like the notes)
Yes, it would be useful to see the project itself. I wasn’t able to reproduce this behaviour myself in a new project.
This works to “turn em blue” - I had tried hitting “v” which usually works, but not on the lyric.
I’d be happy to send it, but am reluctant to upload it here… it’s client work…is there another way to get it to you? It’s not a big deal, by any means… mainly interesting, and @MarcLarcher 's solution is easy enough if I even need to do it.
You can email it to me: d dot spreadbury at steinberg dot de.