Not yet in C12
When I open the mixer it feels like I am entering a mine field. I get upset in my stomach. All because of this freack’n mouse wheel. Why is this still not an option in Cubase / Nuendo? WHY!!!
Request: Checkbox to turn off mousewheel changing values in the MixConsole. Please.
This is a dangerous option to not have control of. I’ve scrolled around the MixConsole and inadvertently changed values I never knew about until much later. So much later that “undo” is useless.
They may never fix it. The only good way I have found is not to use a mouse. The Trackpad doesn’t have this “feature”, the magic mouse does. Still, it would be nice to have the option.
Looks like this is deep integrated and more complicated like to remove the dongle. I don’t know another reason why this solution is ignored by Steinberg so many years.
Hey people, there is a much bigger FR about this going on with much more votes. I suggest you move your votes over there, so the chances it gets noticed are higher!
Disable mouse fader movement in the mix console - Cubase - Steinberg Forums
Maybe @steve could merge it
Found volume automation not responding on a midi track tied to Synchron… the channel had been changed to “Any”, changing back to 1 fixed. This likely happened because of accidentally moving your finger on a magic mouse while over the channel parameter, these accidents happen often.
+1 for setting that bypasses the mouse wheel/scroll (for everything except navigating the Project window of course).
While we’re at it, can we get a search bar for the Preferences window please (Dorico has it).
We’d love to hear Steinberg’s explanation for his stubborn retention of this glaring flaw.
It actually goes back to 2013 or beyond, I think. Just brining this back up because it’s still important.
OMG so many years and this problem still exist WHY ??! I always afraid to mess up my projects because of this stupid feature !
Please find a solution Steinbert