Orange-colored inserts?

…in the control room?

I’ve already seem some weird colors showing up in Cubase 14 when moving the strip inserts around. Could this be that same little bug?

Doesn’t it indicate post fader?

It might, actually. But there’s no green line like there is in the mix console. I just double-checked that the inserts in the main control room area at the bottom are pre-fader. Maybe it would make sense that there would now be some post fader, but I’m not sure why. This area is mostly for metering and room correction stuff.

It still make sense to have a section for protection of monitors/ears like limiter that is dependent on your listening volume.

True but when the slot is empty it is labelled ‘Pre’ or ‘Post’ when you hover over it. 1-6 are Pre and 7-8 are Post.

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Ah thanks. What would you put in those slots? I’m having trouble understanding the point.

Each to their own. I’m sure there are users out there who’d find a use for the post slots. Speaker protection springs to mind.

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That’s a good point too… But I think I might just use the monitor insert section for that, not the main inserts. Unless that wouldn’t work. I’m going to have to test it. I Definitely would want Post fader insert slots on the phones inserts to protect ears.


Interestingly, from the manual, monitor inserts are post, not pre, even though when hovering over them, they all say pre. (Not sure what pre would even mean in this context.)

“Monitor Inserts For surround decoding or brickwall limiting, to protect sensitive monitor speakers. Each monitor channel has a set of eight inserts, all of which are post Control Room faders.”