Orange 'Not Connected' MIDI and Audio Inputs not visible


I had a student yesterday that was not able to hear their MIDI keyboard. Usually at the top of the screen, there is either orange text stating ‘Not Connected’, or white text stating ‘Connected’ relating to MIDI and audio inputs; however, these were not visible and therefore I could not work out how to fix the sound issue.

Any ideas on how I can get these to appear on-screen?

Thank you!

Hi and wlecome to the forum,

This orange “Not Connected” message apears only for Audio, not MIDI.

Please, did you see the MIDI Device in the Studio > Studio Setup > MIDI Ports Setup? Could you attach a screenshot of this window, please?

Also double-check the Preferences > MIDI > MIDI Filters. By defualt only SysEx data are filtered out for both: Thru and Record. Also make sure, MIDI Channels are not filtered out.

Did you see the incoming MIDI Message on the Transport Panel?

Is the MIDI Device visible for the system? Are you on Mac or Windows?