Orchestral Playback Issue

I seem to have a corrupted French horn part in my orchestral score. On playback, the divisi French horn part closest to the trumpet part on the score has sustained notes that get interrupted by the staccato trumpet. Also, a decrescendo quick working at all on playback after crossing the bar line with tied notes. Finally, the timber of the trumpet part changes when the French horn part is muted. Technical support suggests that this is not a bug or setting problem and referred me to this forum. Any ideas? My first thought is to delete the French horn parts and then add them again. Thank you

Welcome to the forum.

What do you mean by divisi French Horn? Normally horn players would be set up as soloists and they cannot divide.

As a new forum user, you probably cannot upload the file (which would be the quickest way to sort this out). Could at least upload a screenshot of your Setup?

The next thing I would check is that you are using the correct expression map for your Horn.

Thank you for your response. As you can see, I did use the divisi function to split the French horns rather than add them as soloists. Perhaps this is the root of the problem. I will try re-entering them as solo instruments and see if that changes things. Meanwhile, I will study up on expression maps to understand how that may be impacting things. If no success, I will look into uploading the file here for analysis. Thanks again.

No need to re-enter the music! Just create the players and copy (or move) the music to them. Delete the old players when you’re sure you’ve got it all.

I would remove the “section” Horns from the full score right away to avoid confusion, and make a temporary Horns-only layout to speed up the copying work.

Many thanks.