I’m trying to add organ stops to a chorale I’m digitising. I’ve managed to draw the right value into the editor, but then it only works for one note. How do I make it stay on all notes throughout the chorale?
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I tried this out myself and I find that it works as I would expect. Are you able to attach a minimal project that reproduces the problem you’re experiencing, so I can take a closer look?
I made a project and now I have the opposite problem: it works on all notes but the first one…
Test Organ.dorico (501.7 KB)
I see… I can’t figure out how to drag it closer to the edge, though.
Edit: I hadn’t zoomed in.
There was an extensive thread on using Add-ons to the Expression Map and Playing Techniques to handle Organ Registration in NotePerformer which you might find of interest.
Organ stops, xp maps, & playback - Dorico - Steinberg Forums