Origin Time problem (day digit has an offset from third day onwards)


Cubase user here. I’m wondering if you, Nuendo folks, also have this problem where everything from day 3 onwards gets moved one day earlier when the “Events to Origin” command is executed. Let me give you the steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Make sure that the offset of the project in seconds is:
    0 0:00:00.000.

  2. Move the Project Cursor to 2 1:00:00.000 (third day).
    The day digit is not visible if it’s set to 0, so you have to use the left arrow key on your keyboard to reach this digit (or click on the far left of the Primary Time Display).
    primary time display

  3. Record some audio (a 5 seconds audio event would be fine) and make sure you don’t move this recorded event (left or right).

  4. Execute Audio > Bounce Selection and choose “Replace Events” when asked.

  5. Select the new event (the event that the bounced event was replaced by) and execute Edit > Move > Events to Origin.

RESULT: Though the event was not moved and was bounced exactly where it was recorded, the origin time of the new event is one day earlier. Is this also true for Nuendo?