I thought I might ask here for ideas.
I have my old Mac mini in my music room, Nuendo, Logic, Sound libraries. It’s Desktop and folders do not save to iCloud. It is mainly standalone.
I have a MacBook Air as my everyday computer, Dorico, some Logic, and small amounts of FCPX (video) which it does fine for my purposes at the moment, the video files on an SSD.
This I have either connected to a monitor where I stand or anywhere I am as portable.
Now I have a Mac Studio (older model) and want to use it with the monitor so I do not have to constantly unplug the Air from the monitor etc. This means my Air can be wherever I need it to be.
So the question is, how do I set up these two?
The Air’s Desktop etc. is in iCloud. Shall I set up the Studio with the same iCloud folders so they are the same folders (I do not know how to do this), or do I Apple migrate to the Studio and delete what I do not want (unless they now share the same iCloud folders), or do I set it up as a new MAC, (if you do this, do two Desktop etc. folders appear in iCloud, how do you tell the difference between one desktop folder and the other if I am on my iPad and want a file).
My thinking is to have both Desktop etc. folders in iCloud so if I need to, I can get files from the other. Is this possible?
In general the Studio will now be the main FCPX, Dorico, small amounts of Logic, but do not need sound libraries from the mini in my music room (Yet!), and the Air can still do these if required. Both will have the Affinity suites.
Any thoughts in how to organize them? (And how)
Thank you in advance