Currenty if I want to show kind of emotion, affection or special interest on a post here, there is one option: clicking the little heart icon below. Sometimes I want to express smiley, because the post doesn’t beat my heart but I makes literally laughing when I read it. So would it be possible to add different emoties as it is quite usual in social media?
Yes @kaposi.g, here a screenshot from the post editor (for example when you click on reply). You can combine emoticons with quoted part of posts (to quote just select the desired text chunk of a post and click win quote or copy quote). Then add your emoticon clicking on the appropriate icon:
Here further/other useful informations:
@Christian_R I think @kaposi.g is referring to the like heart at the bottom of each post.
I think it would be better to put this query forward in Steinberg Lounge, as this is not a Dorico-specific question, but one regarding the forum’s functionality. Personally I wouldn’t want more direct reactions here, as I remember how this affected the general culture of discussion on the big social media platforms.
I see, sorry for misunderstanding. But I think the current functionality gives already many possibilities.
Well, I miss only smiley:)
I think Discourse (the software that powers the forum) only allows a Like reaction, unless Steinberg decides to install a plugin.
We don’t have any current plans to enable the Reactions plug-in. I think we’re getting on OK without it.
It’s not about getting on without, obviously, but I respect the policy and my heart will beat when I laugh:)
Aren’t most emoji available from this button? ➚
We’re talking about reactions to posts — the heart at the bottom of other people’s posts — not emojis within posts.
True, apologize, I haven’t used the proper word…
I run some Discourse forums. The Discourse developers explicitly state that the purpose of the like button is to express agreement with the post without cluttering the topic with needless text. It’s not to express your emotions. In the same way, Discourse forum guidelines gently suggest that posts that are just ‘+1’ and have no real content are discouraged. Just stating the Discourse developers philosophy.