Overlapping grace notes

How can I correct the overlapping grace note issue in the attached photo? I haven’t changed any of the default spacing options, so I’m not sure what is happening to cause this. Thanks for any help!
Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 17.52.30

Your picture upload appears to have been interrupted, @Carl_Collins.

Not sure what is happening. I’ll try uploading the screen shot when I’m on my home network later tonight.

Just tried to upload the screenshot again, and I think it went through this time. Any ideas?

The real note is a half note in the second staff while it’s a dotted quarter in the first. The grace notes seem attached to the fourth eighth of the bar, which is wrong in the second staff… Delete those. Correct the real note if need be. Make sure your rhythmic grid is set to the eighth note. Select the good grace notes on the first staff and alt-click them wherever you need them to be.

In write mode, they appear correctly, which leads me to believe it’s not a rhythmic grid issue?

Carl, I re-created your example (without top staff).

Write Mode - Galley View:

No issues in Engrave Mode:

I suspect your system might be overcrowded. If you switch to Engrave Mode and take a look at the right end of your systems, which percentage is shown there?
Also, just out of interest: if you switch Voice colours to visible (View Menu), are your grace notes in the same voice as the notes they belong to?

The easiest way to get a definitive answer is to share the project file, as it’s highly likely to be a project-specific issue.

Snow Day!.dorico (775.6 KB)
Here’s the project file. Thanks for any help you can provide!

Right margin percentage is green with 94.7% Grace notes and main notes are all appearing in the same voice.

I confess I’m not entirely sure what the answer is after a little poke about, I’ll come back to you once I’ve consulted with my more learned colleagues!

Edit: It’s the “When justifying music” option in Library > Layout Options > Note Spacing > Advanced Options – if you set it to “Use actual widths”, all will magically be well. (here)


Good find.


You discovered Lillie’s post.



lol - it took me 20min to write the post - and by then … :smiley:

Happens to me all the time.
Good find anyway.


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