Oxygen 25?

Hi all

Anyone successfully used a M audio Oxygen 25 with Nuendo?



we’ve got an axiom 25 that works great. what’s the problem?

Hi Max

The Oxygen 25 comes with Direct Link for Protools and Cubase (Nuendo not mentioned worryingly). All the buttons connect to something: play, rewind, volume etc.

I installed the latest Direct Link for Cubase but the Oxygen doesn’t show up under remote devices as I hoped it would.

Maybe it doesn’t work with Nuendo in Direct Link mode.

Works as a midi keyboard. I just hoped that the knobs and sliders would map to something useful straight off.



you’ve done all this?

1.	Run Cubase.
2.	Click on the “Devices” menu, and select “Device Setup…”.
3.	Click on the ‘+’ in the top left-hand corner of the “Device Setup” dialog.  Select “Oxygen” from the dropdown list of Remote Devices.
4.	Select “Oxygen xx” port* as the MIDI Input and “Oxygen xx” port* as the MIDI Output port.
5.	Click OK to return to your Cubase project.
6.	Please review Section 7 of the User Guide (Section 5 if using Oxygen 88) for a description of the controls available through DirectLink.

Hi Max

That’s where this falls down. No Oxygen in the drop down menu.

It is there as a midi device but not as a remote device.

I guess the component has not been installed. At least not in the right place anyway.




our axiom works as a remote even though it’s only a midi device.