I have set all measures in my document at 4 per system and 5 staves per system. An imported xml file makes the first frame break at 4 staves on the first page. I thought this setup would reduce work load but I am having to delete frame breaks, create new system breaks, and then new frame break for each page.
You can reset the layout via the „reset layout“ function, which should delete all System and frame breaks of your xml and let Dorico do it’s thing as per Layout-Options.
Kevin, yes!
I am not on front of my computer, but if you go to Layout Options, there is an additional tick you can make, where you setup the casting off for the staves. From its description it is not very clear, but it relates to the first page of the layout - and will force your (5) staves onto the first page, even if this is against Dorico’s other settings.
Now I have a different problem. I just corrected a bunch of the music for fingerings in the tab and created system breaks because, although 4 measures per system is my default, I sometimes need a two measure system. Once finished, everything waws looking all nice and neat with 4 systems per page. I then adjusted the frame in the page layout using the default and then copied it from left to right. Now I have random pages that still have 4 systems, but they are no longer spaced evenly. Thoughts?
Layout options >Vertical spacing >Justification, change the first value to 52 (it is the important one for your problem) and the second one to somewhere between 75 and 95 (you probably won’t see the difference). It’s just a guess… Sending the project will give you accurate solutions and quality information
Retry.dorico (1.8 MB)
I fixed the other file. Most of the problem i am having right now are layout problems from importing Final xml files. I’ve tried several things mentioned on this forum (in this thread) to fix this file. It’s doing the same thing as the other file. I want 4 measures per system throughout and 3 systems per frame/page. There are 3 measures with odd time signatures (7/4 mm30, 5/4 mm66, and 12/4 mm217) and they still are meant to fit within the 4 measures per system. I am workin on it right now.
Thanks everyone for all the help. It will take me awhile to be done with Finale, and that seems to be the source of many of my problems (along with lack of experience in Dorico).
The first two pages’ layouts imported more or less intact.
01.a UC.Castiguito.dorico (1.6 MB)
This is from the same finale file but I took out the vocals. The layout is perfect here. But now I have to input the vocal manually.
I must admit, I’m a little confused. However, I’ve taken the liberty of adding/removing some manual overrides. I’m not sure if this will help but it will tidy up your project a bit:
Time Signatures
If you turn on Signposts, you will see a million hidden time signatures. These are unnecessary.
I created a 3/4 signature in bar one and bar two.
I created a local unmetered time signature (the X) in bar one of the Vocal
(Now, the bar two signature is so that both staves will be in 3/4 from there until the next meter change)
I’ve hidden the local signature as well as the bar two signature.
Check out the other meter changes at bar 30 etc and you will see the same thing, created using the same steps.
Frame/System Breaks
Again, seeing the Signposts, you’ll notice there are manual breaks at every Frame and System. These are unnecessary if you have your Casting Off set appropriately.
Go to Layout Options > Staves and Systems > Casting Off
Set your bars per system to 4
Set your systems per frame to 3
untick Scale number of…
You’ll see that these steps clean up a heap of behind-the-scenes edits but with the same results.
Hi, Thanks Daniel.
The problem is that of the two files I came to the same or similar solutions with the second file. The first file is the same piece but with vocals. There must be something coded wrong in the finale file because the same strategies do not seem to fix it. I was trying to avoid having to input the vocals but at this point, trying to get the layout fixed is diminishing the returns. I might just have to input the vocals.
Kevin, I am guessing here: the vocals where probably input in finale and have some there unnoticed rhythmical errors, which will get revealed when doing the xml export/import.
If you get accustomed to the so called “Insert Mode” of Dorico, these mistakes can be quite easily repaired within Dorico, especially as you have only one voice in vocals. (voice equals to finale’s layer).
The problem is that if there are errors, they may be what are causing the layout issues as the time signatures of the vocal does not match with the guitar.
I would have to identify the issues in Finale so that they would import correctly and not cause layout issues, or, just input the notes into the files Daniel or I have corrected. I am looking at his to see what I might learn from it.
Here’s a cleaned up version of one of your files. Retry-edit.dorico (1.6 MB)
I’ve no idea if the vocals are correctly positioned. (One problem point might be around m77). I’ve taken the liberty of slightly reducing the space size and have removed all the system and frame breaks and set casting off to 4 bars per system and 3 systems per page. I still think the 4 bar per system restriction is is too tight. I’ve also reset the start/end voices so that the correct rests are visible.
Holy Hell. Janus, the two-face god; smart and smarter. I am so happy right now. There are minor issues with some pickup notes that you positioned in the following measure, but it’s a very minor issue. How did you figure out that mess? Can you do one more? I have one similar file and I’ll be done with Finale vocal stuff. (Still tons of guitar stuff but that is not causing as many problems and hopefully Dorico will deal with the Roman Numeral Analysis issue in the next couple of updates).