Page Switches with Two Values? [Solved]


I’m looking to have my Page switches(Switch Flat Text Radio) switch pages on my macro page and also change the Zone type(Synth, Sample, Grain, Organ, Wavetable). As far as I know you can’t simply assign two values to one parameter. I’ve seen a few posts on having one control do multiple parameters but my implementation never seems to get me there. Could someone please point me in the right direction or does anyone have any advice to offer?


Connect the radio switches to the Zonetype parameter and set the stack value to the Zonetype parameter as well.

Zonetype parameter is an integer parameter which should work fine with radio switches as long as you use consecutive numbers starting from zero. If you only want to use a selection of available Zonetype types and you want to skip some of them (synth, organ) you might need to do some scripting.

Misohoza, you’ve saved the day again! Huge thanks, this worked as desired!
