Page turn question

Thanks John, I didn’t know that the frame was draggable. I’ll give that a try tomorrow, it sounds like the way to go.

Yes but then you have 2 spread out pages. That is the thinking in the publishing world but in commercial music you go on the premise that each page should be spread as though it was 9 or 10 line manuscript paper. I think though that many would agree with you.

It’s just faster. With a single click it changes the music frame size and adds the V.S. indication in the correct font and size as a text frame.


You could add a Note Spacing Change at the beginning of the first of the two pages and increase the first value by a suitable amount. Start with e.g. +1/2 and check the effect. Remove manual system breaks if necessary. After the page turn, add another spacing change to reset the value.

Unless it would upset other pages in the part, I would simply lower the vertical justification threshold.

If you always want pages to justify fully vertically, even if they’re not that full, that’s what this threshold is there to allow you to control.

You could still have shorter pages if you wanted by way of a page template with a smaller music frame.

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Aah, and the second spacing change will not affect the first? I thought it was always global, that’s the way it is in Sibelius. Thanks, I’ll give that a try.

You can note spacing changes wherever you need them, even for just a bar or two…

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Thanks Lillie, I was aware of that. In commercial work a full page is good on an even page. But if you need a page turn and it occurs have way down the page, a full page is not only bad for the players but it’s not industry standard. It could result in not getting called back by who hired you.

Thanks Janus, I think I’m confusing note spacing with system spacing. I think I had better check the manual for clarification.

I see, I misunderstood which way round your pictures were intended to be.

Then increasing the justification threshold might be more helpful for you, or designing a custom page template with a shorter music frame for use on odd-numbered pages where you want a page turn after an incomplete page.

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Thanks Lillie. I found that increasing the threshold and making the frame smaller as recommended by John_Ruggero is working pretty well, although at some point I may try the custom page to compare.