PanLaw Question

Which one does Wavelab use ?
I would like to learn about pan law Wavelab 11 ?
3 or -3 or 0 ?
Question 2
Can this setting be changed?

From the manual:

The following pan laws are available:

Channel Damp (0 dB/Mute)

This law does not compensate for power loss. If a signal is panned hard left or right, the power of the sum of the channels drops by 3 dB.

Constant Power (+3 dB/Mute)

This is the default law. Regardless of the pan position, the power of the sum of the channels remains constant.

Channel Boost (+4.5 dB/Mute)

If this law is selected and a signal is panned hard left or right, the power of the sum of the channels is higher than with a signal-panned center.

Channel Boost (+6 dB/Mute)

If this law is selected and a signal is panned hard left or right, the power of the sum of the channels is higher than with a signal-panned center. This is the same as the previous option, but with even greater power boost

where is this setting in wavelab, can you please show me

@PG1 Can you remind me again what the default setting was for this?

Thank you

This is Equal Power

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