Panning stereo signal in WL?

Good evening,

sometimes I use the “combined stereo panner” in Nuendo to pull in stereo L/R signals a little to taste. I would love to use the same feature in Wavelab, but haven’t found a tool for it. Is there a processor that can do this in a similar fashion?


This plugin called “Stereo Tools” could work for you. See attached. It should work as a Clip Effect as well. I just didn’t happen to load in a clip for this screen shot.

Ah, yes - thanks! Mistook it for an MS-only tool at first glance … I already guessed it must have been my fault not to find anything :slight_smile: Will check it out!

Would be great if WL had a Cubase/Nuendo channel strip plug-in included, though, so folks could load stereo channel/master bus setups straight out of their DAW :slight_smile:

You can create a default plugin chain for the master section that can be saved and then reloaded as required (or I think also by default).