Parenthesized chord symbols

I saw in a recent YouTube video about being able to now put parentheses around chord symbols, such as to suggest an optional chord to play.

I am seeing this kind of working, in the sense that I can enter it on the full score and it shows up, but then the parentheses don’t show up on other parts that have chord symbols. E.g., if I had a trumpet part with chord symbols, the chord symbol itself shows up, but the parentheses do not.

I am not finding any relevant setting to change. A bug? Or am I missing something?

(Dorico on MacOS 15.1)

Would this have to do with properties set in local instead of global?

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Indeed Marc. @tjr You can set globally here (before you change the property) or select the the chord in Engrave mode and do Edit->Propagate Properties.



I’m clearly still missing something. Where are you accessing this “Parenthesized” toggle switch?

That’s the properties panel, the bottom one.

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In the Lower panel (cmd-8) in Engrave mode (cmd-3)



Thank you! I see it now. Excellent.

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Good, but keep an eye on the global/local scope. Usually I have it set to global when working in the score but local when working with parts.


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Just wanted to mention that this is another good reason to avoid using chord overrides, and only make changes to chord symbols only through Engraving Options if at all possible. IIRC in D4, the parentheses function just didn’t work if you had an override, but in D5 it overrides the override. (LOL) Here’s a sample gif where applying the parentheses removes the individual edit I had made to the 7.
