"Paste into voice" shortcut

Hi all,

Finale refugee from France here, thank you for this very helpful forum!

I am currently trying to create shortcuts for these features but can’t manage to do it :

One can easily assign shortcuts to most of the ‘Paste Special’ features (reduce, explode, duplicate to staff…), but not to these ones, apparently? It seems that it’s impossible to go that deep into the folder hierarchy via the shortcut creation window. Or am I missing something?

Welcome to the forum — and Dorico, @charles_piano!

Have you tried searching for those functions in Preferences > Key Commands? I’m not at my computer to check, but if they can be found in that dialogue, key commands (shortcuts) can be assigned.

Thank you @judddanby !

Yes, this is precisely the place from which I am unsuccessfully trying (while the other above-mentioned features like “reduce…” are present)

Ah, then it may not be assignable.

I use a Stream Deck, though, and have not become as versed at key commands as others here in the forum are. You’ll no doubt get a more helpful answer soon!

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You won’t find these commands in the Key Commands page of Preferences at the moment. (There’s a boring technical reason for this, which is that with a few exceptions only commands that don’t have variable parameters appear in the Key Commands editor.)

It is possible to do this if you’re willing to get your hands dirty with a text editor and modify the keycommands_en.json file in your user-level application data folder, but it’s not something I would necessarily recommend for a new Dorico user.

Indeed, I am not experienced enough in Dorico to attempt this kind of procedure. Maybe later?
Thank you very much, nevertheless, for your quick response and your explanations.