Paste notes into new key automatically transposed

I know this has been discussed in the past, but having the option to paste notes into a new key and have them transpose automatically would be so nice.


This would be a new Paste special entry? A paste and transpose according to the context?

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Why not? :wink: Sounds useful! :smiling_face:

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feature-request finale-crossgrade

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Yes, seconded. This sounds like a great option to have, a choice between enharmonically-consistent paste or key-dependent paste.

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You can achieve this relatively simply using the shift-I tools popover. You can use this to transpose by interval, or, map notes onto a new scale (inter alia transformations). The only thing you cannot do is to combine this as part of a paste operation.

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Janis and Mr. Dean,

I see now that there are popover vibes and I’m still trying to finagle all of these green new ideas into my environment.

here’s what I’ve found (and it was not easy to dig up). I’ll link the whole thing below as the stienberg link is broken.

I think I was just trying to say it would be nice to have the option to do both at the same time. Even a tick box option to turn it on would be great. Finale had a click and drag situation that did this and it was super quick.


Here’s that popover file that is hard to find on the internet.

dorico_5_popovers_230524.pdf (502.8 KB)

(Apologies in advance)

Hard to find? It is in the manual!
Note tools popover • Dorico Pro Help • Reader • Steinberg

So you want to institute an option to choose between your two personal preferences, yet ignore anyone else’s desires…?

I appreciate you may be grieving, but the fact is Finale spluttered to the end of the road.

Dorico does things differently. Some you may not like, but as you learn, you will probably find many more things to prefer about Dorico than you miss from Finale. There are many testaments to that on this forum from decades-long Finale users


I’m not gravying, havent had the time.

“Splutt” is a great sound to imagine finale having made last week.

As you learn, you may find finale butt-heads know more than you and you may have to eventually be somewhat less mad about that.

This would be great!

I guess my question is simply - why isn’t this the standard? Surely this is the most often desired effect when copy-pasting within a score? Or maybe I’m misunderstanding what we’re talking about.

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Also, no, Mr. J

This is literally not in the link you shared

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The link that @Janus shared was the user manual link for the Notes tools popover. At the end it lists most if not all of the entries you can add into this popover.

It is not the “Popover list” that contains entries for all popovers; just the ones that are to do with the topic of his previous post.

Right, The list of all the popovers is SUPER helpful and janus is being super smug. I’m not mad, just was looking for help.

Not expecting an apology but it would be nice big J

It was in Finale, where all notes are stored relative to a key center. I think Finale was alone in this. In Sibelius and Dorico changing a key sig doesn’t change the notes, but you can transpose both together. It’s a much more flexible approach.

On another subject, to me these avatars of American politicians seem disingenuous and disruptive on this forum. There are more than a couple of famous musicians on here who use their real names. I have come to expect people to be themselves here.


… @AlGore unless, of course, that’s genuinely your own picture and you took up a long-delayed hobby (maybe even a career switch) after retiring from politics?
(Well, my avatar is also not how I look IRL :laughing: — but my real name is in the description.)

But you did create/choose the image yourself, so it identifies you.

I created mine as well, as a variation on the default single letter, using the same font, but with my choice of colors.

Some tips for navigating our help site:

This is, the documentation home page.

If you Filter (using the button to the left of the big search field on the home page) for Dorico Pro 5.1 (or whichever version you’re looking for, or even just “Dorico”) you will be shown all available documents associated with that product.

There you’ll see the various manuals (the full Operation Manual, the First Steps guide, the Plug-in reference), followed by the Tokens and Popovers PDFs (in this screenshot, I’ve scrolled down a couple of entries)

Once you open a document, you can then use the version/language selectors to switch between alternative versions and translations for that document, where available.

Or just enter “dorico popovers” directly into the search field, and it should be one of the top results. (The terms “popover” and “Dorico” occur enough times in the operation manual to have that highly listed too, understandably.)