Pasting chords from text?


I’m trying to semi-automate the making of many lead sheets. I have chord changes availale in plain text like so, for example:

C Em F G C Em F G F F G G F F G G C, etc.

Is there any way to paste or import these into Dorico? I have not had any luck trying to paste into the chord entry pop-up, or selecting an existing chord (or chords) and pasting.


– Jason

Interesting question. I’m sure Dorico doesn’t currently support multi-pasting chords like it does with lyrics. Maybe you could get a macro program to type the series of keystrokes into the popover. If you want one chord per bar consistently, you could format them separated by tabs to skip to the next downbeat. Obviously this will go wrong if you have even one bar with more or less than 1 chord.

Thanks. A macro program is a good idea. Unsatisfying to hear there’s no way to do it, but that seems like a reasonable workaround. Just getting the chords into Dorico, even if they’re not barred correctly, would be a big timesaver. I figured I’d be doing cleanup and formatting anyway. I’ll give that a try and report back.


— Jason