Patch (sound) change via controller (SL61MKii)

Hi All, wondering if there is a way to change the patch (sound) selected from my SL61 MKII keyboard on the following Steinberg Instruments, Halion 5, Halion Sonic, PadShop, NeoKeys ETC, basically any of the Steinberg VST instruments.
I can change most other VST instruments like Korg M1, MonoPoly Etc, Also Sylenth and more by choosing quick menu and then I can change banks and instrument. This does not work with any of the Steinberg stuff and is a little annoying to keep going to the qwerty keyboard or mouse.

Also any guys using a midi controller with Quick controls on VST instruments like Triebwerk, Hypnotic Dance Etc?
I can easily assign them to my liking on the SL61 but the LED always reads out the QuickControl number instead of the function. I want to see in my display Freq1, Reso1, Mixout Etc and not simply QC1, QC2 Etc.

any help appreciated.

Any one?