Hello everyone. I’ve stumbled across a problem with a Pedal sign not showing parenthesis on continuation mark across the systems - as seen on the screenshot.
I’ve tried placing a new marking, resetting the program, I even tried to place it somewhere else (other flow in the project) with no luck. It does however work with “Ped. text” option.
I’ve seen that a lot of people asked for an option to remove the continuation mark at all, I’ve also found a workaround done by Daniel Spreadbury and I think that I’ll use it (still better to remove it at all than have pianist confuse to retrigger the pedal). But seeing how bad its reputation is and how it can fail to act I’d be for an option to show/hide continuation in the first place.
Just for the future and an opportunity to learn something new in my case - what is the cause of parenthesis not showing up?
Thanks! Now here’s a poser for us: As soon as I open your project, I see the Ped. continuation at bar 6 in parentheses. So I don’t know what could be making the difference.
I’m afraid the parentheses also appear as expected for me here. Can you check in Library > Music Symbols whether the Left/Right parenthesis for pedal marking symbols appear correctly?
Yup, that’s the case. Although I have no recollection changing it, however it’s my first project, imported from Finale XML etc etc. I’m still learning the paradigm of Dorico trying to grasp all the options located in different places.