Percussion Kit Grid Beaming Collision

So, I’ve run into a funny behavior with beams on percussion kits in grid mode. I should point out first that this is not urgent, and I don’t necessarily need to find a solution (though if one exists, I’d be interested); I’m only using a kit in grid mode to save a little bit of space while composing, and I’ll likely switch to single lines for the final product. Perhaps this will be of help to others though.

The issue arises because I have three instruments on adjacent lines in a kit playing at once, and because of music in other flows, I need to have them be all separate voices. The top sounding line is then voice 1-stems up, middle is voice 2-stems up, and bottom is voice 3-stems down.

For a tldr of the issue, just take a look at the attached pic. So, when there’s the default two spaces between each line, beams from the middle line collide with stems from the upper line. I figure I can clean up the look by increasing the distance between the two lines, so I try 4, then 5, then 8 spaces between them. However, regardless of how many spaces go between those two lines, Dorico will stretch the stems for only the colliding beams so as to maintain the collision. I assume the algorithms are trying to avoid a collision between the beams and the noteheads (a noble goal, as it is), but at a certain point, I feel like they should snap back into place. See what I mean?

This is interesting. To some extent, Dorico treats a grid as if it were a regular staff, and Dorico’s attempts to prevent beams from colliding with noteheads in voices with the same direction is kicking in here. Ideally Dorico would know if the next staff position with a note on it is sufficiently far away for the stems of the beamed group to be at a normal length. I’ll ask the team about this case.

I thought it was interesting too! As wonderful as Dorico is when it’s working optimally, sometimes I’m more intrigued by the things it gets wrong, because you can see the curtain pulled back just a tiny bit. You get an appreciation for just how elegant its approach to different situations really is.

Many thanks!

Came to ask the same question, although my example had to do with rhythmic cues above a leadsheet staff. There’s plenty of room to have stems up in both voices without anything colliding (and I could raise the rhythmic cue further if I needed to), but the lower voice insists on lifting its stem up above the noteheads of the upper voice, no matter how high I take the upper voice to get it out of the way.
stem problem.png