Percussion Layout with only a few instruments of the set

I have a full Drumset part and I would like to create two seperate layouts from the same music, e.g. Percussion 1: Ride Cymbal and Snare Drum only and Percussion 2: Bass Drum and maybe another Cymbal or Hi-Hat - both usually on a 5 line stave. This is often needed in music for Wind Bands where you might have a drummer playing on a set or alternatively two percussion players playing only one or two instruments. Any ideas how to do this without copying a player and the corresponding music?

In the Clef- and Transposition Overrides dialog you can change clef and transposition for each individual instrument in the percussion set. It would be nice if you could hide the unused instruments there.

Hi Heinz, There are a lot of ways to do this. I understand that you start with one percussion 5 line staff with all instruments and all notes already entered.

I would remove the instruments you want in Percussion 2 from the drum kit in the set up menu for the Percussion 1 player. So the player would then show the drum kit with the remaining instruments and the instruments you removed below.

Next create an empty Percussion 2 kit and then load/move the instruments you removed from your first kit into the Percussion 2 kit.

Thanks Mavros, sorry for taking some time to respond.

You are suggesting to create two additional players (in the Dorico sense) which means copying the music from the drum kit to the two percussion players. So when editing e.g. the bass drum for the Drum Kit player, I also would need to change the bass drum for the percussion 2 player.

What you are suggesting is what I have done so far. What I would like to have, however, is one single player (here the Drum Kit player) which has all the music defined, with perc 1 and perc 2 being alternative layouts for the same player. I can do a lot with the layouts such as having them in different clefs or keys, or have a portrait and landscape version of the same player. Hiding instruments in a percussion set is however not possible. In the same way I have not found a possibility for an organ player (written on three lines) to have a layout with the top two lines (hands) and a seperate one for the bottom line (feet).

I love the Dorico concept of separating players, the instruments they are playing (including the music) from the layouts (the way the music is presented). It just needs a few additional functionality.

Heinz …

handsAndFeet.dorico (545.3 KB)

Thank you Derrek,

Your example uses two players “Hands” and “Feet” - this works. If you’re using one player with the built-in “Organ” instrument, this would not work.

But if one wants to show the hands and feet separately, why would one try to use a single player?

Several reasons. One player playing the organ as a built-in instrument would automatically select the correct Dorico playback. And finally it usually is one player reading the Three-line staff. Having layouts for hands and feet separated is for those cases where your keyboard has no bass pedals.

You do realize that the full score (in the test program) contains a complete 3-stave organ score and will play back the combined organ part. In a score with other instruments, a separate layout (called organ) could hold both players and do what the full score does in the test program.

handsAndFeet2.dorico (996.7 KB)