Percussion map for a patch with dynamics on different keys?

Your demonstration file is really well organised, it was a pleasure to read it ! Thanks a lot for sharing your work.

I noticed this too, it seems the current workaround is to set your articulation type to “Attribute” instead of “Direction” (Daniel answered here).

I’m very interested to know your thoughts about this. I was thinking of using secondary dynamics in my Spitfire templates (ww, brass & strings), because they currently lack some dynamics (ppp-fff span is not as large as I’d like). Perheaps I should also experiment with “Dynamic curve power” in Dorico.

I’ve always been reluctant to using CC11 in addition to CC1 thinking it would reduce realism, but I realize it’s at the cost of dynamics. I don’t know to what extent Spitfire libraries are designed to be used with CC11 in addition to CC1 or velocity.