Percussion map : no "snares off" in "Yamaha XG"!

I am a French composer and I would like to know how to get a playing techniques “snares off” in a custom percussion map “Yamaha XG snare” I created in Dorico Pro 5.
Thank you very very much for your precious help.
Jean-Marie Beaufays

Hi. You’re talking about playback, right (since you’re talking about percussion maps). So what you need to do first is locate the MIDI note that triggers your snare off sound. On that line, in your custom percussion map, fill in the data (instrument : snare, name: snares off, playback technique: snares off) and apply, so that it does appear on that line.
Then, in Dorico’s playing techniques, make sure you have one « snares off » (or whatever name you want) playing technique that triggers the snares off playback technique.
Then you can use that playing technique in your score, it will trigger the appropriate sound (as long as it is applied to a snare instrument).
Hope it helps!

Bienvenu dans le Dorico Forum. If the snare in your percussion library has multiple techniques with snares on or off which are activated by one (on/off) or more key switches (one for on and one for off) you could also leave your percussion map as it is and use an add-on command in an expression map to set snares to on and off.

You can also define your different beaters if you have them in your library of course in an expression map. What you also have to check to make it work correctly is that you have the appropriate exclusions defined in your expression map. So on excludes off and all beaters are also exclusive. Sometimes these exclusions are generated automatically but especially for percussion instruments you might need to define them yourself.

Key however is that the percussion. library you are using has the appropriate samples available for snares on/off and beaters.