Percussion map question: what does the plus sign mean in the "Techniques:" field?

Hello Dorico hive mind!

I’m building a percussion map and discovered that the “roll” playing technique was not triggered when expected. I therefore want to also bind the “tremolo” and the “trill” playing techniques to that key just to be sure, and a logical assumption on how to do it would be to add all of these in the “Techniques:” field in the percussion maps editor, resulting in the text “Roll + Tremolo + Trill” being present in that field.

However, I can’t find any confirmation (at least neither in the forums nor in the documentation) on whether the plus sign means “all plus separated techniques must apply for the key to be triggered” or “any plus separated technique must apply for the key to be triggered”. In other words, does the plus sign mean the logical and or or?

Someone else may have more expertise on this, but I use tremolo slashes for rolls on timpani, snare, tambourine, suspended cymbal, etc. and they always work fine. Is that not working for you, or are you trying to do something different?

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The plus sign here means the combination of all of the techniques.

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I’m indeed using tremolo slashes. While they trigger the correct tremolo playback in the strings, they render as a series of short consecutive notes (as opposed to one long note) in the percussion when the field is set to “Roll”.

Thanks for clarifying! Is this by any chance documented somewhere? Also, how do you then bind different techniques to the same note?

That’s what the “Add Key Switch Alternative” button is for - it creates a copy of the already-selected MIDI note/keyswitch row. If you look in the “Yamaha XG” percussion map you can see that both “Roll” and “Tremolo” are defined for the Snare Drum, and they both trigger the same MIDI pitch.


Ah! Thanks for the explanation! Although, I have to say that the name “Add Key Switch Alternative” is a bit misleading, since “key switch” or “keyswitch” in the world of virtual instruments commonly refers to the phenomenon that a key has the ability to alter the function of other keys, rather than the phenomenon that one key can trigger a sound that is reminiscent of several different playing techniques. Instead, why not simply call it “Add Playback Technique Alternative”?