Hi Dorico geniuses!
I write a lot of multi-movement works where all my percussionists cover multiple instruments, but not necessarily the same ones in each movement.
I’d like for the first system of each flow to display all the instruments that are being played by each percussionist in that specific movement–but not list the ones that are not being played in that movement.
Here’s an example.: Perc 1 covers tam-tam, gran cassa, and triangle in the whole piece. In Movement 1 they only play tam-tam so the staff label only shows tam-tam on the first page. In Movement 2 they only play gran cassa, so the staff label only shows gran cassa. In Movement 3, they play all three, so the staff label lists tam-tam, gran cassa, and triangle on three separate lines.
I’m able to get the first page to show the complete list of all instruments that the percussionist covers by naming the players by the entire list of instruments they play, selecting ‘Show player name instead of instrument names’ and also selecting ‘On first system only’. However I can’t change those player names on a flow-by-flow basis.
Any tips or suggestions?