Performance issues with N13 anyone?

I’ve noticed that my performance suffers a lot in seemingly basic projects. I had no issues whatsoever in v12, large film projects 300+ channels with many intensive plugins running. I’m on a Macbook M1 max – 64gb – 13.6 (Ventura) – RME Fireface UCXii

This evening I was working on a little music project; one audio track, about 6 light channel plug-ins total, 2 instances of Phase Plant. The asio guard meter was hanging around 70-80% and as soon as I turned polyphony on in PP, the playback cut and glitched like crazy. Performance meter maxed out even at highest buffer. Nothing else open on my Mac, just Nuendo. That is not normal in my experience on this Mac with Nuendo 11 or 12

I tried to run a 192Khz session the other day with a single track and a handful of sound design plug-ins. Even on max buffer and ASIO on high, it really struggled with this.

Is it me, or is there something really wrong with v13?

Hi, I don’t want to spoil your day, but here are some links to the problem:

The problem is not Steinberg. It seems some MacOS Update broke the USB - Audio for some Apple Silicon devices.


Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to reply. This is actually not the issue i’m facing. I am connected directly via thunderbolt no hub. Never had any issues with drop outs or stutters under normal conditions.

I have not updated my MacOS since I was using Nuendo 11 on the same machine. It’s only after updating to Nuendo 13.0.40 that I noticed this massive drop in performance/stability. That’s why I had a hunch it was something to do with Steinberg’s software. Compounded by the fact that Reaper has no issues in an identical scenario.