Petition to have Q-link button in arranger window

Pretty Please

Definitely. And have its state remembered, so I don’t have to turn it on every day!


100% agreed, vote vote

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What would the use cases be here and what parameters would you expect to have linked?

The existing Q-Link is only implemented in the Mixer and links specific mixer functions only. Would you want to have the same functionality (e.g. only apply to mixer-specific functions) or something different?

There is some added complexity here, also because the project window behaves differently to the mixer (for example, there is no need to link the channels to mute/solo/record enable/etc. via keyboard the currently selected channels).

I can forward this feature request, but I´d need to know what users expect from such a feature and what functions one expects to have linked. Thanks!


Hi Fabio. thanks for the response.

I want the same functionality 100%, nothing different. I just want to be able to access that button without needing to open the mixer window.

I have tried to assign a short key to it but, it only functions when the mixer window is open. So I have to open the mixer, activate Q-link, and close the mixer again.

I would just like to have the button available in the arranger view/window. because that is where I spend most of my time.

And as @vinylizor said, to have it state remembered would be a massive workflow hack.

That would require a refactoring of the whole function, though, as it wouldn’t be a quick temporary link anymore. Which is not a bad thing on its own, but would require a feature redesign, therefore some more thinking needs to happen.

Thanks for clarifying, now that there is a mixer channels in the project window such a shortcut would help indeed.

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awesome yes, just a shortcut. would be epic

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FR is in our tracking system now.

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Creating tracks, grouping them and assigning their inputs and outputs is almost always going to take place in the arrange page, not the mixer.
This is obviously something that has been implemented by a programmer who doesn’t quite understand how the function is used in practise…

The create tracks dialog is too simplistic to be more than a passing help, and the selection of input / output busses from the dropdown menu’s is utterly frustrating to use when you use large I/O count interfaces (why are my groups at the end of bloody great long list that drops off the end of a even a 4k screen? Nested folders PLEASE!!!)

The Q-Link is the one saving grace in what has always been a frustrating part of using Cubendo.

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Imagine creating a bunch of tracks for recording BV’s -
Create 10 tracks, set their inputs to be incremental, set their outputs to a previously created group, insert a comp and EQ into each channel and adjust the parameters, lower the output levels of the track going to the group.
You NEED Q-Link to do this.
There is almost never any reason for me to have Q-Link off.

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If this is the only thing that bothers you about the positions of the buttons, then your life is amazing
I have many more comments about the locations, here is one of them

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lol… my life is amazing then… those positions do not bother me

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Sorry to butt in… @Studio_Bit can I ask what screen resolution that image was taken from please.? My system is in much need of replacing, monitor included…

2K 28 inches
after testing is the most stable of all patelloforms
(4K is too heavy for a computer. 1080X1920 not high quality)


I always thought that the “quick” in quick link referred to the fact that it works as long as the tracks are selected. Not to the fact that it lasts as long as the session is open.

This is why it’s so weird the way it is now - you don’t normally need to select multiple tracks for anything other than what it’s so useful for!

When you select multiple tracks you are going to want to trim the relative levels of them all, change their I/O’s or routing, change their inserts or eq’s etc etc

You rarely need to select multiple tracks for any other reason - it almost should be the default behaviour and not need to be a button!

It is presumed by Steinberg to be a mixer function. But in practise, it’s probably most used from within the arrange page…

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Just bumping this up… we really still need this… please