Phantom insert stop bar

If I place two stop bars one after the other, both are visible until the next note input but only the second one really exists. The first one disappears only with the next note input. This may be misleading. A bug ?

I assume there can only be one stop bar at a time. This is fine. However a missing stop bar can mess up the score easily so I suggest to improve stop bar perception and maybe an optional smart warning. We could start with the stop bar position being shown in the status bar - if there is one.
And we could further improve this: If there is music after the current position being edited and subsequent totally empty areas in between and no stop bar there, there is a very high probability that insert mode produces unwanted results and an optional warning with insert mode would be great.

I’d be interested to learn more about the situation you describe where you set the insert mode stop position twice but see the stop line in two different positions at once. You should find that when you set the position for a second time, the stop line is removed from the first position and shown at the new position.

Click the stop sign on a barnumber on the system track and do the same with another bar number: You will see a second stop line. You can scroll around horizontally, both stop lines will stay. As soon as you start note input the first stop line will disappear. I use Dorico 5.1.8.
I have made a little screen video of 7 MBytes size, but I am not allowed to upload this filetype. I am happy to upload it elsewhere if you have difficulties recreating this phenomenon.

At least i was able to upload a single screenshot.

What do you think about my suggestions improving insert / stopbar perception ?

Thanks, I see what’s going on there. I’ll make sure we take a look at that as soon as we can.

I will think about your suggestion to show the stop line position in the status bar.

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