I have a question re: placing frames in different locations depending on whether it is a full score or instrument part. The publisher wants their product number in the score on the left margin just below the words “Conductor Score” but for all parts, it is to be placed just to the left of the indented first staff system. I am attaching pics from the Finale files for reference. How do I achieve this in Dorio? I don’t see a way to place text frames in different places in a part template, only in Engrave Mode in the score itself. This text would use the token “Work number” from the Project Info wherein I would put the piece’s product number, e.g. “{@projectWork number@}” that would show “XYX-1234-00”. Thank you.
The score and parts have different layouts. They are by default called “Page Templates” and the score version is called “Default Full Score”, the part version is called “Default Part”. You see these when you select eg FullScore or a part in Engrave mode (middle selection box). The templates may be as different as you want to.
The suggestion is to make new page templates which you can use in all subsequent scores and parts. Not modifying only the “current” template by overriding things. There are some very good videos on how to think about this and how to do it on youtube, simply search for “Dorico page templates”.
And you are right on the money by placing the work number in the “Project info” and include it in the page templates.
Thank you for the reply. Yes, I did see those “Default Full Score” & “Default Part” options. When “Default Part” is selected in Engrave Mode, however, it still shows the full score. Why would that be? Also, it is important that the product code be centered precisely in the middle of the single staff, or in the case of a two staff part, e.g. piano, between the two staves. Since Dorico doesn’t show staves—only blue music frames—when working with Page Templates, how am I going to accurately position this product number in the part based off the indented first staff? And thank you for the YouTube video suggestions. I have a number flagged to watch.
This is from 2018, when Page Templates where still called Master Pages. Besides that it’s absolutely valuable information.
Thank you for the YT referral. I’m still coming from a 30+ year Finale mindset and trying to reorient my thinking.
It is worth taking the time to watch that video.
You might be very happy with your choice of Dorico afterwards.