Play: VST and MIDI Feature Requests

I’d like a scroll bar on this panel when it overflows. Here I do not have enough VSTis loaded, but when I do, it’s tedious to click/drag as if I were swiping on mobile, and it’s hard to be accurate when scrolling due to the scroll behavior on the Play tab. Related, is there a reason scrolling is different on the Play tab compared to all other tabs? On every other tab, scrolling stops when you stop scrolling. On the Play tab, when you stop scrolling, the momentum carries the page past where you stopped, unless you scroll a tiny bit in the opposite direction, as if you have to put on the brakes (although the Mixer doesn’t behave this way).

I agree it would be helpful if this panel showed a scroll bar, and we plan to add one in future.

The reason the scrolling behaviour is different for some parts of the user interface is because Dorico is using a mixture of two different user interface technologies that have different behaviours.

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Got it!