Playback muted or suppressed staves on selection

Happy New Year everybody,

I’m using a piano sketch at the bottom of my orchestrations to have a condensed version of my music for reference and analytical purposes.
Obviously the piano sketch is muted by default so it doesn’t play back when I listen to the orchestration.

Back in the Sibelius days I could however select the piano sketch staves and play them back regardless of muting being active for this instrument. Is there a similar option in Dorico I could not find?

Not muting and always selecting all other staves to just hear the orchestration or unmute/unsuppress playback just for the piano sketch is always a step more labour-intensive.

I should also mention that NotePerformer is my default playback engine in Dorico.

Any suggestions are welcome!

If you open the NotePerformer Mixer, you could mute/solo the piano there…

Yeah, that’s the extra step I’m trying to avoid.

I want to leave the mixer status with the piano being muted. So when hitting ‘P’ everything sounds except for the piano.
But when I want to hear what I have in my piano sketch at a specific bar, I want to select it and just hit ‘P’ to take a listen.

Basically the explicit selection should win over the mute status in the mixer.

Unfortunately Dorico doesn’t have a feature like that at present. It would need to manipulate the mute/solo states in the Mixer and then restore the old state at the end of playback, I guess. Plenty of scope for unexpected things to happen there! But I have made a note of it, and we’ll think about this for the future.

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Thanks for considering it maybe for the long term! This is all I can ask for.
I’m crossing my fingers for an implementation.