Playback tempo bug still not, entirely, fixed

The error that causes the tempo, in playback, to change to q=500, after a fermata, still exists.
tempo test.dorico (498.7 KB)
The attached .dorico file will playback normally first time but subsequent times the tempo is changed to q=500.
The bug is also discussed here Playback speed bug in 5.1? in Jan 2024, so it has either come back or not gone away.

Is this bug still being reviewed? Do I need to submit this in a different way?

Thanks for providing this example. I can confirm that this project does still manage to trigger the failure condition, and I’ll take another look to try and sort it out in due course.

For the time being, I recommend you set the Normal pause length back to 50% on the Timing page of Library > Playback Options, which will avoid the problem in this case.

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Thanks for the work around