Player not appearing in Play Track Inspector

I just created a new player as a Kontakt inst. At first the player didn’t appear in the Layouts, but I ‘create default part layouts’ and that worked, showing up in the Full Score with the correct instrument name. But no notes may be input on it’s staff.

I can’t tell if this is user error, because these symptoms arose in conjunction with what seems to be a bug in the Play tab.

In my project, every time I add a new player, it loads a corresponding VST inst. (Note Performer) as expected. However, if I replace the NP VST with any other synth, like Kontakt, the VST channel displays ‘Kontakt’ next the Instr. Channel. but when I click the ‘e’ to open the Kontakt VST, Note Performer opens instead with it’s default unloaded GUI.

This has occurred similarly ever since adding the 31st player. None of the instruments in the project are NP - I was just replacing the NP VST with what I wanted after adding a player, which worked fine for the first 30 players.

edit: side-note’; in the VST tab, sometimes it will make the NP VST, and a separate VST channel be on the same Channel#…but I see no way to change the Channel. So I may see: 31 - Kontakt, 32 - (empty), 31 - Note Performer, in my VST list. Now, if I select Note Performer slot, highlighted - and press the ‘trash can’ delete button, then 31 - Kontakt will be deleted, and 31 - Note Performer will remain!
Dorico (3.0 MB)

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Welcome to the forum, @Buluk. It sounds like there’s some kind of mismatch between the data that Dorico is maintaining about the VST instruments in the rack, and the actual rack managed by the separate audio engine process. We get occasional reports of this, but it’s proven difficult to pin down the circumstances under which this happens.

Unfortunately, when a project gets into this state, it’s very difficult to set it straight again. I would recommend re-applying the default playback template again, and then working to recreate your configuration.

I would recommend using individual channels within Kontakt rather than using a separate instance for every player.