Players and Flows (coming from Finale)

Hi! A week in after switching from Finale, and I think I have some basic misunderstandings. I did work through the “Dorico First Steps” document, but admit some of it might not have stuck :slight_smile:

Could you please tell me where my understanding goes astray?

Composing an opera.

  • I have players for every instrument part and every singing part.
  • The first flow is titled “Overture”. I’ve managed to exclude all of the singing parts from the Flow 1 Full Score by unchecking their box in

@SharksOnThePotomac I think you didn’t finish your question!

You are so right! I apparently didn’t know how to use the forum either, for I sent that post without intending to. I appreciate your attention to it, though. Maybe I can edit it to indicate? Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

If there’s still something you didn’t get answered here, then please edit your question so that we can help you. Otherwise, you can just leave this topic alone.