Seems a bit strange…It seems that I have to record the guitar before I can hear any effects from the DAW, if I play guitar and record to a track with CLA guitars on it as an insert it does not receive the guitar signal…after recording and during playback the effect comes into play,
this means it’s not possible to play guitar and sort out the effect you want before recording, you have play something dry, record it, play it back to decide if thats the effect you wanna use…just does not seem right,
am I missing something?
would really apreciate any help if I’m getting it wrong.
It sounds like you are monitoring the input signal rather than the audio track. I’m not a Steinberg interface user. Search the manual for something like “direct monitoring”.
Thanks for the reply mate…i’ll give it a look, never thought of the direct monitoring thing…
Try enabling the Monitor button for the track (the speaker icon)
Hi…direct monitoring is on and I was aware of the amber monitoring button and still no joy,
when I play through the UR-C mixer I have a signal but nothing shows in Cubase until I press record and start to play…I am then recording the guitar, however, CLA guitar effects which is on the track I am recording to does not receive a signal but when I play back the recording the guitar signal does go through the CLA effects insert…
the question is…how do I get the guitar to record through CLA effects insert or even monitor through CLA effects insert,
this was never a problem with the Yamaha N8…the signal went into the DAW and through whatever insert was on the channel…
another interesting point is…when playing the guitar into the DAW there is no DAW signal in the UR-C mixer, but when playing back there is a signal in the UR-C daw…I am lost, cannot figure out what the heck is going on…how can it be so convoluted?
thanks for your reply my friend.
Just watched a video with Dom explaining how to do it with a 22C…followed him to the letter and nothing worked…didn’t even look the same in Cubase…
Did you try with it off? I should have been clearer. I was trying to say that it sounded like you were using direct monitoring (and it seems that you are), but you should not be.
Yeah, in the video Dom said it should be off so I turned it off, still no joy though,
I was hoping someone on this forum who plays guitar through the UR44C might take a look at the thread,
there is something weird goin on though…shouldn’t be this difficult to play guitar and use effects within Cubase…it was no problem with the Yamaha N8 that I should never have sold,
it’s looking like I’ll be selling the UR44C soon it seems…
I am struggling with similar kind of problems trying to make sense of my UR-22C, primarily for recording vocals. I think it works like this, maybe I’m getting it wrong though because it seems a sub-optimal solution,
When I disable Direct Monitoring in Studio Setup (and also change the overall Cubase Preferences under VST for Auto-Monitoring to “Manual”) then I can nicely control the mix in the headphones between Cubase and Mike input using the MIX knob on the UR22-C front panel. But I can’t see any level at all on that track I am recording (although I can see levels on the Mike Input channel in Cubase) - and if I enable the Monitor button in Cubase, I will hear the latency in the mike signal, effectively like a fast slap-back echo. This has the additional disadvantage that I have to manually enable monitoring for any VST instrument) that I am about to record,
When I enable Direct Monitoring, I can instead control the volume nicely within the Cubase track (though I often have to down mix everything else from normal positions to make the incoming vocal loud enough for recording). The MIX knob on the front of the UR-22 does nothing.
In both cases, I can hear (but not record) nice echo or reverb (or guitar amps - though I think they can be recorded as part of the input signal) while monitoring through the headphones as generated by the dspMix software on board the UR22. However, like the OP above, I cannot hear any Inserts or Sends as applied to the monitored track. They only kick in after recording, during playback.
So ideally we’d get the benefits of Direct Monitoring in the incoming track (seeing the levels there, enable auto-monitoring as desired as the default) but we also get the convenience of Input vs Cubase mix from the Mix knob… Is that possible?
And I still would like to know how to hear the Inserts/Sends while monitoring.
It might take me a while to get my head around your post my friend…just like getting my head around the strange way the UR44c works…
you might like to check out this video (if you already haven’t)
I’m going round in circles trying to get where I wanna be with recording the guitar but using the cubase effects to choose an effect before recording…
according to dom in the video it’s possible and easy but for me it never works…
I’m at the point where I am considering buying an analogue desk with usb and losing the UR44C, one knob per function is the way to go I think.
So I opened a new project selected an audio track for guitar, turned off direct monitoring and it worked…go figure!! i could use the Cubase effects to monitor with the guitar…but, and it’s a big but!! the latency is stupidly big, even at 64 samples…so forget it! or maybe the next problem is figuring out why the latency is so bad…
So now I’ve tried to use Amplitube standalone to play a sound into cubase but there becomes a driver issue between Amplitube and Cubase, I’d love to know how guitarists play into cubase using whatever it is they use to play the sound they want into cubase…how is it done?
I create a stereo audio track with a mono input, assign an amp sim plugin as an insert on the track (AmpliTube or TH-U in my case), enable monitor and record, and away I go.
I can’t figure out why you are having so many problems.
Do you have any other plugins involved besides the amp sim? Some plugins will add a drastic amount of latency no matter what your buffer size is set at.
OK…I’ve just opened an empty project and installed an audio track…turned off direct monitoring and …it’s ok…no or very low latency. I s’pose the down side of this is when you have a mix that you wanna play a lead to or add a rhythm guitar your gonna have to turn off all other effects which introduce latency,
so sorted!!
gotta thank peeps for helping particularly you Mr Scab_Pickens, without your help I would never have got to this point because when it comes to this stuff I’m pretty thick…
cheers and thanks again.
Except I’ve just gone to a project and dissabled every track and every insert …tried to play guitar but the latency is terrible, if I can only play guitar on an empty project it makes no sense…
maybe the solution is to buy an outboard processor like line six Helix or something…who knows?
Are you sure the plugins were disabled and not just bypassed?
You might also want to check out the Cubase “Constrain Delay Compensation” feature.
Hi, constrain delay comp is on and it just turns off the plugin that I’m trying to use… thanks for getting back though…you must be getting fed up mate…just like me…
I’ve decided to buy a Mackie profx12v3+…if it works the same way my Yamaha N8 did then everything will be fine.
Try making a stereomix and open a new project with only that stereomix imported, then record your guitar to it. Should work just fine. AFter that import the guitartrack into your working-project.
Hi all…So I’ve just taken delivery of a Mackie profx12v3+…got it set up, plugged the guitar in, opened a cubase project with an analogue track with Amplitube as an insert and played the guitar through it with no latency…or so low it’s not discernible…problem solved…will be selling the UR44C!..not here to bad mouth the UR44C but why on earth is it so difficult to deal with or maybe I’m just a thicko!!! who prefers an analogue type desk…
the thought of a workaround suggested by ca-booter is a bit crazy…no disrespect meant to ca-booter, it’s just that if you have to do that there must be something wrong.
I don’t need to do that, my computer has no latency-issues at very low buffersettings, but if you do have issues with a certain computer, then this would be an alternative.