Hi all,
Can someone explain to me, how Dorico works in this case:
I can attach a line easily to the top of the bars, so it reaches until the barline (indicating bow pressure here)
I can move the endpoint of the dynamics using Option / Alt + Shift + Arrow Left / Right, so the niente is at the end of the note, which is having a duration of course.
However, when attaching the playing techniques it automatically snaps to where the notehead is (which seems arbitrary to me). If I extend it further, it goes to the beginning of the next bar, which is too far. See example:
Of course, I can change this in engrave mode, but it seems very counterintuitive to me.
Is there a reason, why Dorico does it like this (cuz usually there is a profound reason why things are done like this, why I usually like Dorico lol)
Thanks in advance!