Playing technique only attached to notehead ignoring duration

Hi all,

Can someone explain to me, how Dorico works in this case:

I can attach a line easily to the top of the bars, so it reaches until the barline (indicating bow pressure here)

I can move the endpoint of the dynamics using Option / Alt + Shift + Arrow Left / Right, so the niente is at the end of the note, which is having a duration of course.

However, when attaching the playing techniques it automatically snaps to where the notehead is (which seems arbitrary to me). If I extend it further, it goes to the beginning of the next bar, which is too far. See example:

Of course, I can change this in engrave mode, but it seems very counterintuitive to me.
Is there a reason, why Dorico does it like this (cuz usually there is a profound reason why things are done like this, why I usually like Dorico lol)

Thanks in advance!

There are two different commands for adjusting durations in Dorico - Lengthen Duration (or Shorten Duration) and Lengthen Duration by Grid Value. The first one works in increments that are intended to be useful - this is different for different types of object, but often means extending to the next note/rest. However, if you want finer control then the second one may be useful.

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Also see here for lengthening/shortening methods - you should always try to get your notations as close as possible to their intended semantic positions/durations in Write mode before adjusting in Engrave mode.

Particularly with the ability to set local properties for eg graphical line length differently in the score vs parts, doing Engrave mode edits in the first instance can cause annoyances down the road.