PLaying technique problem

ça n’a pas marché j’ai toujours le meme probléme mais j’ai une petite astuce, je remplace une articulation qui ne marche pas par une autre qui marche et ça a l’air de fonctionner pour le moment…bon j’aimerai bien travailler proprement mais maintenant je n’ai que cette solution et heureusement…j’attendrai la prochaine mise à jour et voir…Merci pour ton aide Marc :slight_smile:

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I think this is a playing technique bug on Dorico 5.
When I have bowing + harmonic, a few (not all) of the harmonics are automatically placed over the bowing mark. In the video below, the harmonic on the left is normally placed under the bowing mark, but the one on the right is placed above.
If I slightly move the bowing mark, the harmonic goes directly to the placement below it, even if I don’t put it there. Interestingly, if I try to undo the slight move, the harmonic continues under the bowing mark, as if it was always there.
However, if I save the file, close Dorico, and open it again, the harmonic appears once again over the bowing mark.

Thank you.

I cannot reproduce this.

Here is a screenshot of what appears for me with no manual adjustment:

Can you please upload a cut-down version of the project that this happens in? Perhaps a list of instructions on how you entered the music might also help.

I wasn’t able to make a good test file, because when I would delete some measures, the harmonic would automatically go down, but by undoing, it would not go back up, which is one more sign it is a bug.

If you can’t reproduce a problem consistently then it’s not necessarily a bug - especially when others don’t have the same problem.

A project and a clear procedure would most likely be needed in any case.

Sorry I think the video on my last post wasn’t running after I tried to edit the post. Here it is. Notice that when I add the bowing mark, it goes under the harmonic ball. Additionally, it changes the placement of others (but not all) bowing marks related to harmonic balls.

I understand the issue but I cannot reproduce this.

Perhaps I’m not entering the harmonics in the same way, or I’m using popovers for bowing, or perhaps it’s to do with the order you’ve entered elements, or the project, or something else?

We need to know exactly how you’ve entered the material. And if we can’t reproduce using the same method (ideally from a new project) then we would need to see your project. Sorry to harp on…

I inserted the note, then chose the option harmonic (natural) in the property panel, then clicked on the note and added the bowing by clicking on the right panel. So, regular way of doing it.

For the majority of the time, it didn’t do this. But in a few cases, as the one in the video, it happened, I don’t know why. With a slight move, the bowing would go directly over the harmonic (as it should be), but when reopening Dorico (even if I saved the file), it appears where it was before.

If I delete some measures, sometimes it goes automatically over the harmonic ball as well, so it is hard to make a test file and post it here.

I do think it is a but. Maybe I should sent it via email to support (@Lillie_Harris ). I have already delivered the composition, but it would be good to fix it in the Dorico file.

I can’t reproduce from these instructions, sorry.

You’ll need to attach a project for me (at least) to explore any further.

Like @DanielMuzMurray I cannot reproduce the behaviour you see. (sorry)

(But you can avoid the issue altogether by not adding bowings. 99.99% of the time string players find marked bowings unnecessary, unless they intentionally contradict what the player would naturally do - which yours do not)

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Was this project imported into Dorico or was it created from scratch?

Written from scratch in Dorico.

The organizer encouraged me to put the bowing marks. So I did.