Playing techniques in multiple instruments/staves

Good morning,
I would like to know if there is any way to add playing techniques to multiple instrument, e. g. in a string orchestra, how can I add the “pizz.” or “arco” PT to the full orchestra instead of adding it instrument by instrument?

Thank you!

See step 2 here.

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There is a way to do this by using the mouse?
When I select several notes in several instruments and select the playing technique, it applies only to the first instrument.

At the moment, that is indeed true. With the mouse, the quickest way is to create the first one, then hold the Alt key and click on each of the other staves in turn at the position at which the playing technique should appear.

Just learning this! Very helpful, thank you @Lillie_Harris.

Conceptually, from a UX perspective, I’m curious why inputting playing techniques to multiple staves only works in Write note input mode?

On a related note, why (as far as I can tell) can popover-created ornaments only be inputted not in Write note input mode, and only to one staff at a time? (Though there are inconsistencies there as well: The popover method can create a single trill only outside of Write note input mode, but clicking trill with the mouse does work in Write note input mode, whereas glissandi can only be created outside of Write note input mode, regardless of input method :thinking:.)

Are these choices intentional, or something that will become more consistent over time?

When you say Write mode here, do you mean “note input” specifically, i.e. when the caret is active? In general you should find that within Write mode (as Dorico defines it) is where you can create anything.

Some things can’t be created during note input, generally because those things need both a start and end note, and therefore until the end note exists, they can’t either.

As it stands at the moment, the multi-staff input method of having the caret active and extended over multiple staves generally only works when you input the notation using its popover version, rather than the panel.

Anything can change in software, given enough resources and time.

I’m sorry, I meant “note input” whenever I referenced “Write mode”! Whoops :woozy_face:

Thanks for the insight. Except for certain rare exceptions, the ability to create multiples of anything (trills, glissandi, playing techniques, etc) in and out of note input mode—just as if you created a single one and duplicated it—would be greatly appreciated.