PLE question : select multiple folders at once

Hi everyone,

I am trying to do the following with PLE, but not getting anywhere useful within the given time frame.

I need to :

  • select multiple Folders ( by their name ) at once,

  • record enable all tracks contained therein ( might happen automatically as per prefs )

  • record

I guess where I am failing right now is to multi-select the folders in question…

Thank you very much indeed!


Is there anything in common at the folders you want to select?

Hi Martin,

yes, these (4) folders exclusively contain audio tracks. The idea is to start recording this set of tracks when playback is running…in other words,
without having to stop the sequencer first.



You can make a PLE:
Container Type is | Equal | FolderTrack | And
If you don’t want to record enable all Folder tracks, write your condition to distinguish the exact Folder tracks here

Track Operation | Record | Enable


Hi Martin,

so easy indeed, thanks a bunch!