There is a category music makers who would explode in creativity when having a capable well-thought mobile music device with them at all time. This is the potential of Cubasis on IPhone, or any phone (but Android is not quite as reliable and efficient for music for now)- not the IPad or a tablet - we don’t have that with us at all time.
At the moment, we do not have such a mobile DAW. Shame. In 2023, nobody makes a proper one.
Somebody will make it soon, I know it. If Steinberg doesn’t do it somebody will because it’s a very necessary thing. Cubasis started well, but it will be overtaken by somebody soon if they don’t put tempo changes.
I bought Cubasis 2 and Cubasis 3 hoping I’d have tempo changes, that is very important to me. I haven’t been using them much and I won’t use them as long as I can’t change the tempo.
I’m so frustrated that I feel like writing an email to complain to Steinberg and ask for refund because I haven’t used them much … I feel like uninstalling them from my phone forever. Till somebody makes a proper DAW for my phone.
It pushes me to make one myself… cause nobody makes it.
I still wish my friends at Steinberg all the best and hope they’ll be the ones to use this opportunity before somebody else does. I like Steinberg, Cubase especially, more than other DAWs.
The potential is even greater for Cubasis if projects started in it can be continued on Cubase.
My friends at Steinberg, I have been waiting patiently for tempo changes to be implemented.
It is unreasonable to tell us that it is a serious challenge to implement at least tempo changes or meter, measure changes - not even one of them in 3 years, friends?
It would be very useful to me (and I know others want it much also), especially for quick sketches, not to forget ideas when inspiration hits and when I only have my iphone with me.
I bought Cubasis 2 and 3 patiently waiting. Without tempo changes Cubasis is not a DAW! It is a bit more than a beatmaking machine like many others. I wanted a DAW and you advertised it as a DAW! I can’t use it effectively. Why start a project there that I must restart from scratch on Cubase if I can’t even change tempo?
I wish you would give me my money back.
And I bought a number of in app purchases cause I was sure you’d give us tempo changes.
I haven’t used them. I used very little and with frustration.
I don’t want to make you feel bad BUT I feel disprespected (or at least I feel your indifference and false excuse) by your reply that tempo changes are terribly hard to implement. I’m a programmer myself. It should not take years to implement a basic DAW functionality. Having this is much more important than all the sounds (in-app add-on buys) you are adding in Cubasis.
I do not mean to be petty but sometimes all of us need a shake-up from a friend to admit our leniancy to our own standards and goals and change.
Or at least, don’t call it a DAW anymore.
Dear Cubasis dev team,
I bought the app assuming that this feature would be present but sadly I was wrong and ended up going back to my ancestral windows cakewalk. I have been following this conversation for a few years hoping that tempo and meter change would be a reality and I can finally use my ipad as a replacement but I see that almost a decade has passed by and it appears that no matter how much people ask/need/vote for it, it just won’t seem to ever been even considered. It is really really disappointing to see that 8 years after the first ask this doesn’t even have a timeline. I know that the company might be scared of putting such an important feature on a lower priced product and because people will spend less money and that keeps you postponing this but it will be worse when some other company beat you guys to it and Cubasis users flock to other solution. Why not thinking about being the first to offer this? A little transparency goes a long way.
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It’s funny you say that because my friend, who is an iPad power user and a former stalwart Cubasis fan, finally had to throw in the towel and subscribe to Logic because of the tempo and time signature track. ONE feature is all it took for him to move all his 4+ years of Cubasis to Logic.
Cubasis is now going to really have to either update really hard and strong; or Logic indeed will be the end of Cubasis (or it already is/was and us Cubasis lovers are just hanging onto a dying /dead relationship)
I personally won’t be purchasing anything further should they not be able to fix what my thread (which got 9 votes, in only a month, which is the highest and fastest growing thread on this forums history) suggested, namely
- TIME sig/tempo track
- MIDI learn
The rest are in my thread should anyone wish to add and gain some traction. If Steinberg ignores my thread/list, they will not just lose me, they will lose almost every customer who waited 8 years for the iPad to get the point where we can have professional DAWs now on the iPad (Logic Pro for iPad )
Cubasis should be Cubasis Pro by now - I mean they really didn’t need to do that much, and the code was written from the ground up for cb3 , so idk, maybe that’s saying something
[disclaimer: with all that being said, it STILL remains my DAW of choice, and I’ll use it for as long as it’s maintained ; but now I do venture into territories of AUM(“DAW”) +Loopy Pro(for audio) + dRambo /Helium (for midi)
I won’t ever subscribe which is the ONLY reason, and I mean ONLY, reason, I don’t use Logic, otherwise you wouldn’t even be reading this right now (cuz Cb3 would be in the rear view)
Only reason I use Cubasis 3 is because I purchased it (and I love it now )
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Hi @cdavila
Thank you for your message.
“… hoping that tempo and meter change would be a reality…”
Tempo and signature track support is on our list with high priority and we hope, it won’t take long getting there.