Please, don't give up the cubase score editor

Hello everyone,

I’m a cubase user since 20 years now, and what made a big difference for me between cubase and ALL of its rivals was the deep and smart interconnexions between the sequencer and the score-editor.
But since maybe cubase 11, there is zero feature added for the score-editor, not even random symbol like quarter-tone.
Worst : some features are unusable now,- like adding a picture on the score -, and the score-editor is the easiest way to create system-error.
It looks like you give it up completely. And for me it’s a shame because it is a big feature Cubase has that the others don’t.
So please, don’t send this part of Cubase to the trash. You don’t need that much effort to make it much better :

  • debug it a little bit : some crash, the slur between pages, the image tool.
  • clarify the “grabs” we can interact with
  • add quarter-tones, the symbols at least

In a minimum of time you can improve it so much, so please, do not give it up completely to Dorico, because, as a contemporary composer, I love the way it’s easy to grab stuff, hide stuff, graphically add stuff where i want, create my own icons, in short, how free i feel with it.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,

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Hi @Khalimaroth and welcome to the forum.
Steinberg did not abandon the Score Editor. And as long as it is part of Cubase it will be maintained and updated. Let’s wait for the next Cubase version.
And I agree with you, the Score Editor lacks some features but it has no equal in the market in terms of intuitiveness and some unique functionalities such as manual editing, as you mentioned, which is one of its biggest strengths.

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Thank you for your answer @Maestro,

→ I agree ! I love this way of editing, this is why i would like to see Steinberg fight for it a little bit. Check the “new feature” list between versions, there isn’t anything about the score-editor since when ? What is the last feature added ? I can’t even remember.

→ You tease me ! Which version are you talking about ? Cubase 13.1 or Cubase 14 ? Anyway, I can’t wait to see that !

Hello @Khalimaroth, I am also a user of Score Editor and like you I am happy to see it integrated into Cubase and disappointed to see it “abandoned”.

When the 70% sales started I wondered if it would be better to start getting Dorico and start getting familiar with it, since I think, like many, that sooner or later it should meet Cubase.

However @Maestro claims that Score Editor will not be abandoned and this has reassured me.

We wait confidently, as suggested, to see Score Editor updated… perhaps with Dorico? Who knows. In the meantime I rely on Musescore.

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