Please help me understand how to work with Page Template Sets

Hello everyone,

I’ve read through the tutorials and help articles, watched the videos, etc., and I’m stumped by Page Template Sets. Here is what I am trying to do…

Creating a project template for my marching band arrangements. Would like to have two formats for score layout - one orientation of the score in landscape, and one in portrait. Do I need two separate full score layouts, or can I do this by defining a new Page Template Set (one for each orientation), and applying that set to the full score layout? Or, am I overthinking this and should just specify the page orientation when printing/exporting the file?

The backstory…I’ve tried laying out the pages in portrait orientation the way I’d like them, duplicating that Page Template Set, renaming it to designate the new one as landscape mode, and changing the layout to landscape in the Layout Options. When I switch back and forth using the Current Set dropdown list in the Page Templates sidebar, nothing changes, and the orientation stays the same.

Any help you can give helping me to understand Page Templates, Page Template Sets (in particular), and Layouts would be much appreciated!

My suggestion is to create a second full score layout in Setup mode and set its orientation in the Layout Options to landscape.

Regarding Page Template Sets I recommend to watch Discover Dorico’s Create a Title Page video

Page size and orientation is set in Layout Options, so you’ll need separate layouts for portrait and landscape.

However, you can use the same page templates for different paper sizes. The important thing is to make sure the frame "constraints’ are set correctly.


Lock the sides that you want to stick to the margins, and unlock the sides that you want to move. In this example, it’s a text frame that I want near the top and left.

If the constraints aren’t set correctly, when you change the page size, all hell breaks loose!


@benwiggy - Ah, I think I get it…page templates simply control the appearance and positioning of music/text on the page, independent of page size/orientation. Page orientation is a function of the layout, which is why changing the orientation in the layout also changes the orientation of the template in use.
Am I on the right track?

