Please help!!

If you want to record from multiple microphones at one time, you need a multichannel audio interface. If you want to record one microphone, you need a single channel audio interface. You have two channel audio interface, so theoretically you could…? I´m sure you get it…
If you want to listen to what you reorded via speakers, you obviously need speakers. If the speakers are passive, you obviously need an amp to drive them…
If you want tro listen only via headphones, you need headphones…[/quote]

Well that all makes sense to me :wink: Now, atleast I know that I havent plugged it in wrong… But what I dont get then, is what I have done wrong… Any idea about that?? I just cant find anything that makes sense to me in the manual :blush:

Okay… Ive fixed it!! I dont know what I did really… I just pushed som buttons :wink: Thanks alot for your help anyway!!

select focusrite usb…i use da same stuff …scarlett studio (with da mic)…hey my problem is da songs are great when played in cubase, but audio mixdown sucks,…what bout u? and automation dont work in audio mixdown…Redirecting... its my facebook id, add me ok… there was this song (live forever) dat came with da cd…it sounds pretty good in da video…

What in gods name did you do because i’m having the exact same problem and can’t figure it out?!