For one guitar project I added an external FX to my Studio Setup.
This external setup is using 2 output ports and 2 input ports on my audio Interface.
To do this without changing my main cabling, I did a ‘special extension’ physical setup, dedicated to this project as I do not need to activate these effects for my other projects. The setup is using ADAT ports between 2 audio interfaces, implying a reamp pedals and 4 other guitar pedals extracted from my pedalbord/Amps setup, powered and connected for this. The kind of setup used just for one project and disconnect immediately after usage.
On my main projects, I don’t want to bore me with this special external FX setup and want to get back the usage of ADAT buses I used, and don’t want to reinstall and power this external hardware chain.
But having External FX attached to the Studio configuration and not to project leads to choose : either remove the external FX and, when I reopen my dedicated FX project I get a message saying that an external effect is missing with all the sonsequences, either keep the external FX in studio setup and have the ADAT ports unvailable.
Not very handy
As for the main audio interface, I think there should be an option in Cubase to have the external FX setup saved in project rather than in Studio. Just as an extension for Studio setup.
Add the optional feature-request tag to your post, please.
Voting… again… for this obvious request.